
ColorectalCancerScreeningTests...Acolonoscopyisoneofseveralscreeningtestsforcolorectalcancer.Talktoyourdoctoraboutwhichtestisrightforyou ...,TheTaskForcerecommendsseveralcolorectalcancerscreeningstrategies,includingstooltests,flexiblesigmoidoscopy,colonoscopy,andCTcolonography( ...,2022年12月1日—Ifyou'rebetweenages45to75years,getscreened(tested)regularlyforcolorectalcancer.Screeningtestscanhel...

Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests

Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests ... A colonoscopy is one of several screening tests for colorectal cancer. Talk to your doctor about which test is right for you ...

What Should I Know About Screening for Colorectal Cancer?

The Task Force recommends several colorectal cancer screening strategies, including stool tests, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and CT colonography ( ...

Get Screened for Colorectal Cancer

2022年12月1日 — If you're between ages 45 to 75 years, get screened (tested) regularly for colorectal cancer. Screening tests can help prevent colorectal ...

Recommendation: Colorectal Cancer

2021年5月18日 — The USPSTF recommends screening for colorectal cancer in all adults aged 50 to 75 years. See the Practice Considerations section and Table 1 ...

Colorectal Cancer Screening

2023年10月20日 — The following types of tests are used to screen for colorectal cancer: Fecal occult blood test; Sigmoidoscopy; Colonoscopy; Virtual colonoscopy ...

Colon cancer screening

Find out more about the pros and cons of specific tests used for colon cancer screening, including colonoscopy, stool DNA test and virtual colonoscopy.

Colorectal Cancer

A flexible, lighted tube called a colonoscope is inserted into the rectum and the entire colon to look for polyps or cancer. During this procedure, a doctor can ...


2022年11月30日 — The colonoscope passes through your large intestine, projecting images to a screen. A colonoscopy looks inside your colon with a tiny camera.


2022年5月18日 — Colonoscopy is one option for colon cancer screening. Find out what to expect during this procedure to examine the inside of your colon.

Colorectal Cancer Guideline

2020年11月17日 — Follow-up colonoscopies should be done every 1 to 3 years, depending on the person's risk factors for colorectal cancer and the findings on the ...